The War on Terrorism An Alternative View
Media critic Barrie Zwicker, the host of Canada's VisionTV Insight: Mediafile, is one of the few North American journalists to offer an alternative viewpoint on the Sept. 11 tragedy. In this provocative six-part series of Mediafile commentaries, he challenges the official explanation for the attacks and considers the troubling implications of Americas new war.
Part Two
Part Three Part Five
Part Six
really happened on Sept. 11th? 9/11 Part 4 Even among those who believe that the war on Afghanistan was part of the so-called war on terrorism, theres a fairly wide recognition that the outcome the occupation of Afghanistan -- might have something to do with the ambitions of U.S. oil corporations. Which brings us to the connection between September 11th and the Oiligarchy. Let me start with a crash course in globe-oil reality. A framework little mentioned by the mainstream media. First, the size and power of Big Oil. Together, oil and coal constitute the biggest single industry in history, writes Ross Gelbspan in his book, The Heat is On. Big oil alone does well over a trillion dollars a year in business. Second, were at the end of the petroleum era. Total world oil extraction is peaking. These charts, from Scientific American and other equally reliable sources, tell the story. And the supply does not drop off gently. If you think this industry is rich and powerful now, wait til the supply is clearly on the wane. At the website, you can learn that in 1995, Petroconsultants published a report for oil industry insiders ($32,000 per copy) titled WORLD OIL SUPPLY 1930-2050 which concludes that world oil (extraction) could peak as soon as the year 2000 and decline to half that level by 2025. Large and permanent increases in oil prices were predicted after the year 2000. Black gold is going to go platinum. Hey wait, well just switch to other energy sources, right? Wind, solar, biomass, tidal. Wrong. All the alternatives in the world, writes former U.S. army officer and political analyst Stan Goff, cannot begin to provide more than a tiny fraction of the energy base now provided by oil. This makes it more than a resource, and the drive to control what's left more than an economic competition. Most experts agree, writes Larry Chin in Online Journal, that the Caspian Basin and Central Asia are the keys to energy in the 21st century. energy expert James Dorian in the Oil & Gas Journal Those who control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new (extraction). In other words a pipeline through, of all places, Afghanistan. Needed to carry an estimated 5-trillion dollars worth of Caspian oil and gas reserves to markets. A significant detail that surely is not lost on those in power in the United States. So just who are these people? Lets start with the occupant of the Oval Office himself. George W. Bush was CEO of Harken Energy. George Herbert Walker Bush, his dad and the former president, was an oil man. Now hes on the board of the Carlyle Group, which is heavily invested in oil and armaments. Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense during Desert Storm. He stepped down to become CEO of Halliburton Oil. Cashed in 34 million dollars in Halliburton stock options before taking office as vice president. Donald Evans, Bushs Commerce Secretary, was with Colorado Oil. Zalmay Khalilzad is the Bush-appointed special envoy to Afghanistan. Khalilzad previously was an aide to the American oil company Unocal. He drew up Unocals risk analysis on its proposed trans-Afghan gas pipeline. Khalilzad reports to Condoleeza Rice, Bushs national security adviser. When she was a board director of Chevron Corporation, she served as its principal expert on Kazakhstan, where Chevron holds the largest concession of any of the international oil companies. Khalilzad will liaise with the new Afghani leader Hamed Karzai. A former consultant to Unocal. You get the idea. A General Motors president once said: Structure is strategy in slow motion. The structure of this cabinet shows, in my opinion, the primacy of oil interests. How does this connect with the events of 9/11? Well, its hard to just invade a country out of the blue, I believe. The perfect pretext is a so-called war on terrorism founded firmly, so far, upon the official narrative of what happened on September 11th. The psychological trick at the heart of September 11th, by the way, is that people confuse their compassion for the victims with their certainty about who the perpetrators are. The public was presented with instant perpetrators. The trick will most likely continue working for all future planned invasions looks as if Iraq is next so long as the public remains blindfolded by the media. 9/11 serves the ends of the Oiligarchy. That does not, in itself, prove a connection between Big Oil and what happened on September 11th. But the fact that it does serve those ends must be taken together with other evidence. Just part of which is the illegal importation, training and protection of terrorists on U.S. soil by the CIA. The much-publicized failure of U.S. intelligence. The failure of the U.S. Air Force on the day. The inexplicable trades of United and American Airlines stocks in the days prior. The big economic difficulties the Bush administration was facing. And the loomingEnron scandal. Next
week, The Great Deception, Part 5. BOOK Gelbspan, Ross, The Heat Is On -- The High Stakes Battle Over Earths threatened Climate, 278 pages, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1997, ISBN 0-201-13295-8 (hard cover). Gelbspan has been an editor and reporter at The Boston Globe, The Washington Post and the Philadelphia Inquirer, and is the winner of the Pulitzer Prize. The book lays out the dangers of global warming and the massive disinformation campaign by the fossil fuel lobby to obscure the Earth realities that threaten our existence. WEBSITES Narconews is a dependable site for well-researched information about the drug trade and therefore about the banking systems involvement in money laundering, and corruption in politics, and the relationship of media to the subject of the drug trade. Narconews recently (see top of home page) won an historic court case in the Supreme Court of New York State against a large bank, which states that freedom of speech on the Internet is as sacrosanct as freedom of speech in print or in broadcast. (Most media outlets failed to report about this case.)
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