CLASS WAR Application to join
What is your name?
What is your e-mail address? Phone number?
What is your postal address?
What country are you based in? Aotearoa Papua New Guinea Fiji United States Sweden Germany Ecuador Australia Saudi Arabia Kemp Land Serbia Tibet Samoa Antarctic Confederation Tuva Tuvalu Russian Federation Tonga Philippines Upper Yafa Malaysia East Timor France Port Maria Moluccas India Britain Maldive Islands Yemen Free Vinland Egypt Bosnia Brazil Haiti Denmark Brunei Albania United Arab Emirates Guatemala Occussi-Ambeno Egypt Greece Sedang Italy Tui Tui Switzerland Liegerland Chile Latvia Panama Montenegro Hawaii other Living situation? Streetkid - no fixed abode Nomad - no fixed town Flatting on my own Live with parents Flatting with others Empty warehouse Squat Commune Own house Own apartment Own palace or mansion
Have you given up eating meat, fish, & dairy products? Yes No Maybe Smoke or drink? Just a bit Never Highly addicted
I am (occupation) Student Wage slave Bank employee Secret Police infiltrator Photographer Unemployed Sickness beneficiary Computer technician Retail salesperson Mechanic Builder Printer Librarian Dialectician Other I am (age) 18-21 22-25 26-30 31-40 13-17 12 or under 41 & over I am (sex) Female Male other
Skills? Writing Mechanic Chemist Artist Musician Editor Java programmer other
Political experience: Never in a political group Party member - less than 5 years Party member - more than 5 years Done some campaigning with single-issue groups Involved with grassroots or new social movements Done some graffiti to mock election candidates My health is Excellent Good Poor Bedridden other
What is your main mode of transport? Bicycle Skateboard Car Bus/Train Scooter Motorbike other
What is your understanding of Class War? Anarchists blow stuff up Damn commies Nice idea, but I don't see it working mate I wanna change the world, but no violence please! I am a card-carrying member of the Judean Peoples Front (wanna buy a paper?) Right on, and I'll just pop out & have the ruling class for breakfast
Read any of these authors? Tick those applicable Peter Kropotkin Albert Meltzer Michael Bakunin Karl Marx Raoul Vaneigem Anton Pannekoek Doctor Seuss Hans Ruesch Profane Existence Buenaventura Durruti Carol J. Adams Germaine Greer Philip K. Dick Kurt Vonnegut Crass Jello Biafra Dick Fish Andrea Dworkin Mohandas Gandhi Tony Cliff Mao Tse-tung Lindsey Perigo Abbie Hoffman Noam Chomsky Anton LaVey George Orwell Douglas Adams L. Ron Hubbard
Have you already met any anarchists? Yes No How did you hear about Class War? Posters Stickers Police Friend newspaper Radio TV Internet other
Do you think Class War should collaborate with other "left" groups? Never Yes Only if its a good cause Only if there's no Trotskyists or Bolsheviks
Would you like to be advised of forthcoming Class War campaigns? Yes No
Would you like to actively participate in Class War's on-going actions? Yes No
Your view on other parties & political groups? Most are liars All are liars Most other @ groups are OK, others suck bigtime Trotskyists & Bolsheviks are OK All parties are OK, and we should collaborate
Please report your opinion on our website? Really great! Quite good. OK Not very good. Atrocious.
Any other information you need about Anarchism?
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